If you convert your movies with HandBrake and use the MP3 audio format, you may not be able to play the videos in Kodi from version 16 onwards. There is a fix in fmpeg, but this requires the handBrake version number for activation <= 0.10.2
The fix does not work if the encoder tag is as follows:
[breichert@zenwalk ~]$ exiftool videoname.mp4 | grep Encoder Encoder : HandBrake rev5474 2014070999
#!/bin/bash echo "How much files:" find . -name '*.mp4' -type f | wc -l echo "Read files:" find . -type f \( -name "*.mp4" \) -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do VERSION="0.9.4" ENCODER=$(exiftool "$file" | grep Encoder) #MP4Box "$file" -info 2>&1 | grep "Encoder Software" if [[ $ENCODER == *"HandBrake rev"* ]] then echo "$file" "->" $ENCODER read num1_rev num2_date <<<${ENCODER//[^0-9]/ } NUMBER #Handbrake Rev: if [ "$num1_rev" -eq "7288" ] then VERSION="0.10.2" elif [ "$num1_rev" -eq "6980" ] then VERSION="0.10.1" elif [ "$num1_rev" -eq "6536" ] then VERSION="0.10.0" elif [ "$num1_rev" -eq "5474" ] then VERSION="0.9.9" elif [ "$num1_rev" -eq "3736" ] then VERSION="0.9.5" elif [ "$num1_rev" -eq "2965" ] then VERSION="0.9.4" else VERSION="0.9.4" fi ENCODER_TOOL="HandBrake $VERSION rev$num1_rev $num2_date" echo "->" $ENCODER_TOOL MP4Box -itags tool="$ENCODER_TOOL" "$file" fi done